Settemmezzo Artichoke Liqueur: Drink of the Week - Imbibe Magazine Subscribe + Save

Drink of the Week: Settemmezzo Artichoke Liqueur

The barstool in front of a bartender is the best spot to sit at any bar and restaurant. Not only for watching them make cocktails but for checking out the spirits they’re experimenting with. Recently, at my go-to neighborhood restaurant, République, lead bartender Thomas Eslinger showed me his newly acquired bottle of Settemmezzo. The bitter artichoke liqueur—by Gotha Spiriti Nobili, a small spirits producer in Bologna, Italy—just arrived in California in August. Its importer, Oliver McCrum Wines & Spirits, plans to increase its distribution throughout 2025, but it’s currently available to ship to most states.

Settemmezzo is made from Slow Food Ark of Taste vegetable, Carciofo Violetto di San Luca. Since this purple artichoke has to be propagated by hand, only five farmers in Bologna grow it. Naturally, the artichoke is a source of local pride. Thus, founder and distiller Ergin Allko used it to create his liquid homage to the Northern Italian city, where he emigrated to from Albania when he was an 18-year-old university student.

Made by infusing alcohol and seawater with the purple artichokes and bitter orange peels, the amber-colored amaro has a softer mouthfeel than the robust Cynar. With a subtle salinity and bittersweet notes of citrus, herbs, and licorice, I fell in love with it upon that first sip at the bar. Thanks to both its palate-priming and digestive-helping properties, it’ll be perfect for serving before and after a feast. See for distribution.

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