Shochu Cocktails - Imbibe Magazine Subscribe + Save

In our May/June 2024 issue, we spotlight shochu, from how it’s made to how to best drink it. And Editor in Chief Paul Clarke shared an extensive list of favorite bottles. But for those who want to take their learnings a step further and use Japan’s signature spirit in a cocktail, here are a few of our favorite shochu cocktails.

Autumn’s Jacket

The warm earthy qualities of barley shochu bring depth to a big bouquet of spice in this cocktail by Chicago bar owner Julia Momosé.

Chawari Toddy

A warming combo that’s a favorite in Japan.

Coffee Chuhi

Barley shochu’s toasty, nutty notes complement coffee’s rich aromatics in this shochu highball recipe from Bar Goto Niban in Brooklyn.


The delicate florals of cherry-blossom vermouth mingle with the crisp brightness of shochu in this simple yet elegant cocktail.

Izumi Pimm

San Francisco bartender Aaron Plein uses sweet potato shochu to add some complexity and Japanese flare to the classic Pimm’s Cup.

Lychee and Pear Chuhi

For this fragrant shochu highball, drink creator Kenta Goto plays up the spirit’s fruity and floral notes with an elderflower and pear mix.


This elegant cocktail from Martiny’s in New York City showcases the floral, citrusy character of a barley-based Japanese shochu.

Shochu Peach Fizz

The fruity aromatics from the Japanese spirit pair perfectly with peaches in this fragrant shochu sour from Fort Lauderdale’s Casa Sensei.

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