Sally's Holiday Spritz - Imbibe Magazine Subscribe + Save

Sally’s Holiday Spritz

holiday spritz

Cranberry syrup perks up this herbaceous spritz.

Named after the Jack’s love interest in Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas, Sally’s Spritz is a festive addition to any holiday celebration.


  • 1 oz. tequila (blanco or reposado will work)
  • 1 oz. génépy
  • 1 oz. cranberry syrup
  • 3/4 oz. fresh lemon juice
  • Sparkling rosé, to top
  • Tools:shaker, strainer
  • Glass:wine
  • Garnish:rosemary sprig, cinnamon stick, juniper berries


Short shake the first 4 ingredients with ice to chill. Strain into a wine glass over fresh ice and top with sparkling rosé. Garnish.

Cranberry Syrup: Boil 1 cup of fresh cranberries in 3 cups of orange juice for 15 minutes, until they pop and release all the flavor. Remove from heat and add 1 tablespoon of fresh rosemary sprigs and a pinch of salt to the mixture. Let it rest for another 10 minutes. Blend the mixture in a blender, then strain. Measure the volume of the liquid and add equal parts vanilla syrup and cinnamon syrup. Store in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

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