Cold Bird: A Coffee Jungle Bird - Imbibe Magazine Subscribe + Save

Cold Bird: A Coffee Jungle Bird

Hudson Hill Cold Bird

The tropical favorite with chocolate and vanilla notes.

The Jungle Bird is a favorite tropical cocktail, and Hudson Hill drink maker and director of operations Alex Lerman wanted to double down on its bitter elements by adding cold-brew coffee. “We get the bitter we love, and represent our roots as a coffee shop at the same time,” he says.


  • 3/4 oz. blackstrap rum (Hudson Hill uses Cruzan)
  • 3/4 oz. pineapple juice
  • 1/2 oz. aged rum (Hudson Hill uses Flor de Caña 12-year)
  • 1/4 oz. Campari
  • 1/4 oz. cold brew coffee concentrate
  • 1/4 oz. fresh lime juice
  • 1/4 oz. demerara syrup
  • 1 tsp. crème de cacao (Hudson Hill uses Tempus Fugit)
  • 5 drops saline solution (10:1 salt to water)
  • Tools:cocktail shaker, strainer, grater
  • Glass:Rocks
  • Garnish:nutmeg


Shake all ingredients with ice, then strain into an ice-filled glass. Grate nutmeg over the top of the drink.

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