Drink of the Week: Plum Deluxe Summer Breakfast Tea - Imbibe Magazine Subscribe + Save

Drink of the Week: Plum Deluxe Summer Breakfast Tea

Portland, Oregon-based tea company Plum Deluxe hand-mixes all of their organic, loose-leaf tea blends to order to ensure each flavor component is captured at its peak—an approach that is evident in the vibrant floral and citrus aromatics of their new seasonal Summer Breakfast Tea. A black tea base is brightened with rose petals, lavender, grapefruit essence, orange peel and marigold flowers. Brewed hot, the tea makes for a delightfully fragrant twist on a typical English Breakfast, with the grapefruit notes offering a little extra pick-me-up. Served iced, the blend’s floral flavors of lavender and rose really shine and make for a refreshing afternoon respite. $7 per ounce, plumedeluxe.com


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