25 Days of Christmas Cocktails, Day 14: Chartreuse Blazer - Imbibe Magazine Subscribe + Save

25 Days of Christmas Cocktails, Day 14: Chartreuse Blazer

Chilled to the bone from a day of playing in the snow? Pour yourself a Chartreuse Blazer. A classic toddy, a pour of Chartreuse elevates this version to heavenly heights.

Chartreuse Blazer
½ oz. green Chartreuse
1 oz. high-proof bourbon (Apte uses Old Grand-Dad 100)
½ oz. hot water
½ honey syrup (1:1)
Glass: mug
Garnish: lemon twist

Combine the bourbon and Chartreuse in the bottom of a mug. Top with hot water and honey syrup and garnish.

Anu Apte, Rob Roy, Seattle

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