La Cigua: A Spicy Margarita - Imbibe Magazine Subscribe + Save

La Cigua: A Spicy Margarita

Quench that summer thirst with Theodora’s spicy margarita, which first brings the heat and then cools things off with fresh cucumber juice.


  • 1 oz. tequila
  • 1 oz. mezcal
  • 3/4 oz. fresh cucumber juice
  • 3/4 oz. fresh lime juice
  • 1/2 oz. simple syrup (1:1)
  • 5 dashes spicy tincture (Theodora uses Scrappy's Fire)
  • Tools:shaker, strainer
  • Glass:rocks
  • Garnish:chile salt rim


Add all of the ingredients to a shaker with ice and shake vigorously. Strain over fresh ice in the chile salt-rimmed glass.
Chile Salt1 part salt, 1 part dried ground chipotle, and 1 part chili powder.

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