A Split-Base Boulevardier: Holding Hands - Imbibe Magazine Subscribe + Save

Holding Hands: A Split-Base Boulevardier

This split-base Boulevardier marries two beloved Boulevardier riffs: Sam Ross’ extra-bitter Left Hand and Michael McIlroy’s Right Hand rum version.


  • 3/4 oz. rye whiskey
  • 3/4 oz. aged Puerto Rican rum
  • 3/4 oz. cacao nib and cherry-infused Campari
  • 3/4 oz. sweet vermouth
  • _______________________
  • Cacao Nib and Cherry-Infused Campari
  • 750ml Campari
  • 30g cacao nibs
  • 80g dried cherries
  • Tools:mixing glass, barspoon
  • Glass:rocks


Add all of the ingredients to a mixing glass and stir with ice. Strain into a rocks glass over a large cube, express with an orange twist, then discard.

Cacao Nib and Cherry-Infused CampariCombine the ingredients in a sealable container and store in a cool, dark environment for 4 days. Place it in the freezer for 48 hours, then strain through a coffee filter. Will keep in the refrigerator indefinitely.

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