Win a Copy of 33 Beers! - Imbibe Magazine Subscribe + Save

Win a Copy of 33 Beers!

One of our favorite recent discoveries is a pocket-sized tasting notes journal called 33 Beers, and we’re excited to announce a special giveaway of 5 copies to our Twitter followers. Perfect for jotting down notes at your next beer festival, or just keeping track of what beers you’re tasting in general, 33 Beers is designed for beer geeks, by beer geeks. Five lucky Imbibe Twitter followers will receive a copy of this handy journal, and all you have to do to be eligible is head to your Twitter page and answer the following question.

Question: What is the name of one brewer or brewery featured in the March/April 2010 issue of Imbibe?

Copy and paste the following on your Twitter page: Want to be one of 5 lucky @imbibe followers to win a copy of @33Beers? Find out how: #BrewerX

Replace #BrewerX with your actual answer to be eligible to win. You must post your answer in this format in order to be eligible (if you don’t include @imbibe, we won’t see your entry, and the brewer you choose must actually appear in the March/April 2010 issue).

Entries are due by Thursday, April 8, 2010 at 11:59 PM PST. You must Tweet your response before then to be eligible to win. Winners will be selected on Friday April 9, 2010 and announced on Twitter that same day.

Don’t forget, your response must be in the following format to be eligible: Want to be one of 5 lucky @imbibe followers to win a copy of @33Beers? Find out how: #BrewerX

Questions? Email us here.

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